Home » Best AI Tools » 22 Best AI Chatbot: In-depth Review in 2023

22 Best AI Chatbot: In-depth Review in 2023

Last Updated: December 19, 2023

AI Chatbot

AI chatbots, powered by advanced algorithms and natural language processing capabilities, offer a wide range of functionalities, from enhancing customer service to streamlining content creation and beyond. With a plethora of options available in the market, each chatbot comes with its unique set of features, strengths, and limitations, catering to diverse needs and applications. In this context, understanding the nuances of various AI chatbots, including ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, and others, becomes crucial for making informed decisions that align with specific requirements and goals.

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the choice of an AI chatbot should align with specific needs, such as customer service, content creation, CRM integration, or educational purposes. Established products like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and Salesforce Einstein are generally safe choices for their respective strengths. However, newer or more niche products like Bard, Jasper Chat, or Chatsonic should be chosen with specific requirements in mind. Products with limited user reviews or those that require significant technical expertise might not be suitable for all users.

What is an AI Chatbot?

An AI chatbot is a software application that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to conduct a conversation with users in natural language. It simulates human conversation through text or voice interactions, enabling automated, intelligent responses to user queries.

How Does AI Chatbot Work?

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI chatbots use NLP to understand and interpret human language, deciphering user intent from text or voice inputs.
  2. Machine Learning (ML): They learn from interactions to improve their responses over time. The more they interact, the better they become at understanding and responding to queries.
  3. Data Processing: Chatbots analyze the input, process it using AI algorithms, and generate a response that aligns with the context and intent of the query.

Who Needs AI Chatbot?

  • Businesses: For customer support, sales, and marketing.
  • Healthcare Providers: For patient engagement and information dissemination.
  • Educational Institutions: For student support and administrative queries.
  • Individuals: For personal assistance, scheduling, and reminders.

Why and When They Need AI Chatbot?

  • 24/7 Availability: For continuous customer support.
  • Efficiency: To handle high volumes of queries without human fatigue.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: To reduce labor costs associated with customer service.
  • Personalization: To provide tailored experiences to users.

Use Cases for AI Chatbots

  1. Customer Service: Handling FAQs, complaints, and support requests.
  2. Sales and Marketing: Lead generation, product recommendations, and promotions.
  3. Healthcare: Appointment scheduling, symptom checking, and patient follow-ups.
  4. Education: Course information, administrative queries, and student support.

How to Choose the Best One?

  1. Identify Your Needs: Understand what you want the chatbot to achieve.
  2. Integration Capabilities: Ensure it integrates with your existing systems.
  3. Language and Learning Abilities: Look for advanced NLP and ML capabilities.
  4. Customization: Ability to tailor the chatbot to your specific requirements.
  5. User Interface: Easy to use and navigate for both users and administrators.
  6. Security and Compliance: Ensure data privacy and security standards are met.

How to Use It?

  1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline what you want the chatbot to do.
  2. Train the Bot: Feed it with relevant data and conversation scenarios.
  3. Integrate: Incorporate the chatbot into your website, app, or social media.
  4. Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review its performance and make necessary adjustments.

Overview of 22 AI Chatbots reviewed and ranked

1. ChatGPT

  • What Is It: Developed by OpenAI, ChatGPT is a conversational AI based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model.
  • Features: Natural language understanding, context-aware conversations.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Highly conversational, versatile in various applications.
  • Cons: Limited to the knowledge trained on, no real-time internet data.
  • Rating: Generally high user satisfaction.
  • Price: Free with a premium version available.
  • User Reviews: Praised for its conversational abilities and versatility.

2. Bing Chat

  • What Is It: Microsoft’s Bing Chat integrates AI into the Bing search engine.
  • Features: Web search integration, conversational responses.
  • Platform/OS: Integrated with Bing, web-based.
  • Pros: Direct access to web information, intuitive interface.
  • Cons: May not be as nuanced in conversations as some dedicated chatbots.
  • Rating: Generally positive.
  • Price: Free.
  • User Reviews: Users appreciate its search integration.

3. Bard

  • What Is It: Google’s conversational AI, known for integrating with Google’s search engine.
  • Features: Access to a vast range of information, integration with Google services.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Extensive knowledge base, seamless integration with Google products.
  • Cons: Still in development, with limited access.
  • Rating: Not widely available for public rating yet.
  • Price: Expected to be free.
  • User Reviews: Limited due to restricted access.

4. Jasper Chat

  • What Is It: An AI tool designed for content creation.
  • Features: Content generation in various formats, SEO tools.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Great for marketers and content creators, diverse content capabilities.
  • Cons: Subscription-based, may require fine-tuning for specific content needs.
  • Rating: Highly rated for content creation.
  • Price: Subscription-based with different tiers.
  • User Reviews: Favored by marketers and bloggers.

5. Perplexity

  • What Is It: An AI chatbot known for integrating web search capabilities.
  • Features: Web search, conversational interface.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Real-time information access, user-friendly.
  • Cons: Limited to web-based interactions.
  • Rating: Generally positive.
  • Price: Free.
  • User Reviews: Users enjoy its real-time web search integration.

6. ChatSpot

  • What Is It: A chatbot tool designed for sales and marketing.
  • Features: Lead generation, customer engagement.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based, integrates with various platforms.
  • Pros: Good for sales teams, integrates with CRM.
  • Cons: May require customization for specific business needs.
  • Rating: Good in the sales and marketing community.
  • Price: Varies based on features and usage.
  • User Reviews: Valued for its CRM integration and lead management.

7. Tidio Lyro

  • What Is It: A customer service chatbot.
  • Features: Automated customer support, integration with e-commerce platforms.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Enhances customer service, easy to integrate.
  • Cons: Limited to customer service applications.
  • Rating: Generally favorable.
  • Price: Freemium model with premium features available.
  • User Reviews: Appreciated for improving customer service efficiency.

8. Kommunicate

  • What Is It: A customer support and engagement tool.
  • Features: Automated responses, live chat support.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Combines AI and human support, customizable.
  • Cons: May require setup and maintenance.
  • Rating: Well-received in customer support circles.
  • Price: Subscription-based.
  • User Reviews: Users like its blend of AI and human support.

9. HubSpot Chatbot Builder

  • What Is It: A chatbot builder integrated with HubSpot’s CRM.
  • Features: Lead capture, customer support, integration with HubSpot CRM.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Seamless integration with HubSpot, versatile use cases.
  • Cons: Primarily beneficial for users of HubSpot.
  • Rating: Highly rated among HubSpot users.
  • Price: Free for HubSpot users, with costs for additional HubSpot services.
  • User Reviews: Users appreciate its CRM integration and ease of use.

10. Intercom

  • What Is It: A customer messaging platform with chatbot capabilities.
  • Features: Customer engagement, support automation.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Robust customer communication tool, integrates with various apps.
  • Cons: Can be expensive for small businesses.
  • Rating: Highly rated in customer communication.
  • Price: Subscription-based.
  • User Reviews: Known for improving customer interaction and support.

11. Watson Assistant

  • What Is It: IBM’s AI assistant for building conversational interfaces.
  • Features: Customizable AI responses, integration with enterprise systems.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based, integrates with various platforms.
  • Pros: Highly customizable, strong enterprise capabilities.
  • Cons: May require technical expertise to set up.
  • Rating: Highly regarded in enterprise applications.
  • Price: Based on usage and features.
  • User Reviews: Praised for its advanced capabilities and customization.

12. Drift

  • What Is It: A conversational marketing platform.
  • Features: Lead generation, real-time customer chat.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Good for sales and marketing, real-time interaction.
  • Cons: Focused mainly on marketing and sales.
  • Rating: Well-received in marketing communities.
  • Price: Subscription-based.
  • User Reviews: Valued for its lead conversion capabilities.

13. Infobip

  • What Is It: A global cloud communication platform for businesses.
  • Features: Omnichannel customer engagement, chatbot functionality.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Wide range of communication tools, global reach.
  • Cons: Complexity in setup and management.
  • Rating: Generally positive in business communication.
  • Price: Custom pricing based on services used.
  • User Reviews: Known for its extensive communication features.

14. Appy Pie Chatbot

  • What Is It: A no-code chatbot builder.
  • Features: Easy chatbot creation, integration with websites and apps.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: User-friendly, no coding required.
  • Cons: May lack advanced customization.
  • Rating: Favorable among non-technical users.
  • Price: Freemium model.
  • User Reviews: Liked for its ease of use and simplicity.

15. Zendesk Answer Bot

  • What Is It: An AI-powered customer service bot integrated with Zendesk.
  • Features: Automated customer support, knowledge base integration.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based, integrates with Zendesk.
  • Pros: Streamlines customer support, integrates with Zendesk’s suite.
  • Cons: Best used in conjunction with Zendesk’s other tools.
  • Rating: Highly rated within Zendesk’s user base.
  • Price: Part of Zendesk’s subscription plans.
  • User Reviews: Praised for enhancing customer support efficiency.

16. Salesforce Einstein

  • What Is It: AI technology integrated into Salesforce’s CRM.
  • Features: Predictive analytics, automated task handling.
  • Platform/OS: Integrated with Salesforce, web-based.
  • Pros: Deep integration with Salesforce, advanced AI capabilities.
  • Cons: Primarily for Salesforce users.
  • Rating: Highly rated by Salesforce customers.
  • Price: Included in Salesforce’s subscription plans.
  • User Reviews: Valued for its CRM enhancement capabilities.

17. LivePerson

  • What Is It: AI-powered conversational platform for businesses.
  • Features: Real-time customer messaging, AI chatbots.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Omnichannel messaging, scalable.
  • Cons: Can be complex to set up.
  • Rating: Well-received in customer engagement.
  • Price: Custom pricing.
  • User Reviews: Known for improving customer interaction.

18. Ada

  • What Is It: An AI-powered platform for automated customer experience.
  • Features: Personalized customer engagement, integration with business tools.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Highly customizable, strong analytics.
  • Cons: May require initial setup effort.
  • Rating: Generally positive.
  • Price: Custom pricing.
  • User Reviews: Appreciated for personalized customer interactions.

19. YouChat

  • What Is It: A conversational AI tool.
  • Features: Web search, conversational responses.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Access to real-time information, intuitive.
  • Cons: Limited to web-based interactions.
  • Rating: Generally positive.
  • Price: Free.
  • User Reviews: Users enjoy its search and conversational capabilities.

20. Chatsonic

  • What Is It: An AI chatbot with advanced conversational capabilities.
  • Features: Real-time search, voice commands, image generation.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Up-to-date information, multimedia interaction.
  • Cons: Relatively new in the market.
  • Rating: Gaining positive reviews.
  • Price: Subscription-based.
  • User Reviews: Users like its real-time data and multimedia features.

21. Socratic

  • What Is It: An educational AI tool developed by Google.
  • Features: Homework help, educational content.
  • Platform/OS: Mobile app.
  • Pros: Great for students, easy to use.
  • Cons: Focused on educational content.
  • Rating: Highly rated in the educational community.
  • Price: Free.
  • User Reviews: Praised for its educational support.

22. HuggingChat

  • What Is It: An open-source chatbot framework.
  • Features: Customizable chatbot solutions, integration with Hugging Face models.
  • Platform/OS: Web-based.
  • Pros: Highly customizable, open-source.
  • Cons: Requires technical expertise for setup and customization.
  • Rating: Favored by developers.
  • Price: Free.
  • User Reviews: Valued for its flexibility and customization options.

FAQs About AI Chatbots

  1. Can AI chatbots understand multiple languages?
    • Yes, many advanced chatbots are multilingual.
  2. Are AI chatbots secure?
    • Generally, yes, but it depends on the specific chatbot’s security measures.
  3. Can AI chatbots replace human customer service agents?
    • They can handle routine queries but may not fully replace the nuanced understanding of human agents.
  4. How do AI chatbots learn?
    • Through machine learning algorithms that analyze past interactions and user responses.
  5. Can AI chatbots handle complex queries?
    • They are improving, but some complex queries may still require human intervention.
  6. What is the cost of implementing an AI chatbot?
    • Costs vary based on complexity, customization, and provider. Some are available on a subscription basis, while others may require a one-time setup fee.
  7. How do I ensure my AI chatbot is effective?
    • Regularly update its knowledge base, monitor interactions for quality, and gather user feedback for improvements.


Products like ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and Salesforce Einstein stand out for their versatility, integration capabilities, and advanced AI features, making them suitable for a broad range of applications. On the other hand, specialized chatbots like Jasper Chat and Socratic cater to niche markets such as content creation and education, respectively. While some chatbots excel in specific domains, others might require careful consideration due to their limited scope, technical requirements, or stage of development. Ultimately, the choice of an AI chatbot should be guided by a clear understanding of individual or business needs, the specific functionalities offered, and the potential impact on enhancing user experience and operational efficiency. As AI technology continues to advance, these chatbots are poised to become even more integral to our digital interactions, underscoring the importance of staying informed and adaptable in this dynamic tech landscape.