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What is AI Chatbot? Which is the Best? How to Make it? [2024 Guide]

Last Updated: January 5, 2024

AI Chatbot

AI chatbots represent a significant leap in how technology can be used to enhance user experience and streamline business processes. Whether you’re looking to implement one for your business or just curious about their functionality, the world of AI chatbots is rich with possibilities and innovations.

What is an AI Chatbot?

  • An AI chatbot is a sophisticated software application that emulates human conversation using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. These chatbots leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning to comprehend, interpret, and respond to user queries in a manner that closely resembles natural human dialogue. Their applications are diverse and widespread:
    • Customer Service: AI chatbots are revolutionizing customer support by providing instant responses to common queries, reducing wait times, and improving customer satisfaction. For instance, a chatbot in a banking website can assist users in checking account balances or initiating transactions.
    • Online Shopping: E-commerce platforms use chatbots to offer personalized shopping experiences, recommend products, and assist in the checkout process. For example, a fashion retailer’s chatbot might suggest outfits based on customer preferences or past purchases.
    • Information Acquisition: Chatbots in educational platforms or news websites can provide curated information, answer queries, and even assist in research.
    • Entertainment: Many entertainment platforms use chatbots for interactive storytelling, gaming, or as virtual companions.

What is the Best AI Chatbot?

  • The “best” AI chatbot varies based on specific needs and use cases. Some of the most advanced and widely recognized include:
    1. OpenAI’s ChatGPT: This chatbot is celebrated for its deep learning capabilities, enabling it to engage in detailed and contextually rich conversations. It’s used in educational tools for tutoring, in businesses for automating customer interactions, and even for creative writing assistance.
    2. Google’s Meena: Designed to conduct highly coherent and context-specific conversations, Meena is a breakthrough in chatbot technology, often used in customer service and personal assistant applications.
    3. IBM Watson Assistant: Known for its enterprise-level solutions, Watson Assistant excels in handling complex data and providing industry-specific solutions, such as in healthcare for patient assistance or in banking for financial advice.

How to Make an AI Chatbot

  • Creating an AI chatbot can be an exciting journey. Here’s a more detailed, step-by-step guide:
    • 1. Define the Purpose
      • Identify the Chatbot’s Role: Clearly define what you expect from your chatbot. Is it for handling customer queries, providing product recommendations, or gathering leads? For instance, a chatbot for a hotel booking site might need to handle reservations, provide information about rooms, and answer FAQs.
    • 2. Choose a Platform
      • Select the Right Platform: If you’re not building from scratch, choose a platform. Dialogflow is great for Google Assistant integrations, Microsoft Bot Framework works well with Microsoft products, and Chatfuel is user-friendly for Facebook Messenger bots.
      • Consider Technical Skills: Your choice might depend on your technical expertise. Platforms like Chatfuel require less coding knowledge.
    • 3. Design the Conversation Flow
      • Map Out Dialogues: Create a flowchart of potential conversations. This includes greeting messages, responses to common queries, and how the bot should handle unrecognized inputs.
      • Personalize Responses: Ensure the chatbot’s tone aligns with your brand’s voice. For a youth-focused brand, a casual and friendly tone might be appropriate.
    • 4. Train with AI and NLP
      • Implement Learning Algorithms: Use machine learning to train your chatbot with sample dialogues. This helps the bot understand various ways people might phrase a question.
      • Utilize NLP: Natural Language Processing helps the bot comprehend user intent, even in complex sentences.
    • 5. Test and Deploy
      • Conduct Rigorous Testing: Test the chatbot with real users and various scenarios to ensure it responds accurately.
      • Deploy on Platform: Once satisfied, deploy your chatbot on your website, app, or social media platform.

How Do AI Chatbots Work?

AI chatbots process user input, understand context and intent through NLP, and generate appropriate responses. They use machine learning to improve from each interaction, enhancing their ability to handle a wider range of queries over time.

How to Use Google AI Chatbot

To interact with Google’s AI chatbot:

  1. Access via Google Assistant: Open Google Assistant on your device.
  2. Initiate Conversation: Start by asking a question or giving a command.
  3. Interact and Get Responses: The chatbot will reply, using Google’s vast data and AI capabilities to provide accurate and helpful answers.

How to Use Bing AI Chatbot

  • To use Bing’s AI chatbot:
    1. Visit Bing Search: Go to Bing’s website.
    2. Use the Chatbot Feature: Find the chatbot icon in the search results.
    3. Ask Questions or Seek Assistance: The chatbot will provide information related to your search queries, enhancing your search experience.

How to Get AI Chatbot on Snapchat

  • To use an AI chatbot on Snapchat:
    1. Find Chatbot Integrations: In Snapchat, look for chatbot features in the chat or discover sections.
    2. Start Interacting: Send messages or respond to the chatbot’s prompts for various interactions, such as playing games or getting information.

Is There a Free AI Chatbot?

  • There are several free AI chatbots available, catering to different needs:
    • Chatbot.com: Ideal for small businesses or individual users, offering basic features like automated responses and simple customer interactions.
    • Tidio: This platform provides a free plan with limited functionality, suitable for startups or small online stores needing basic chatbot services.


  • Q: Can AI chatbots understand multiple languages? A: Advanced AI chatbots are multilingual, thanks to NLP. This feature is particularly useful in global customer service platforms where users speak various languages.
  • Q: Are AI chatbots secure? A: AI chatbots are generally secure, but it’s vital to choose ones that adhere to strict data protection and privacy regulations, especially when handling sensitive information.
  • Q: Can AI chatbots replace human customer service? A: AI chatbots are increasingly capable, but they cannot fully replace the nuanced understanding and empathy of human agents. They are best used in conjunction with human customer service.
  • Q: How do AI chatbots learn? A: AI chatbots improve their responses over time using machine learning algorithms, which analyze data from past interactions. This continuous learning process enhances their accuracy and relevance.
  • Q: Can I integrate an AI chatbot on my website? A: Many AI chatbots offer easy integration options for websites, either through simple plugins or API connections, allowing for seamless user experiences.