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Can Turnitin Detect ChatGPT? How Does It Work? How to Use it? [2024 Guide]

Last Updated: January 5, 2024


Turnitin’s ability to detect AI-generated content like ChatGPT is a significant step in preserving academic integrity. As AI writing tools become more sophisticated, it’s crucial for plagiarism detection software to evolve accordingly. Turnitin’s commitment to adapting and enhancing its detection capabilities ensures that academic work remains original and genuine, upholding the values of honesty and integrity in education.

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin, a globally recognized tool in the academic sector, serves as a guardian of academic integrity. It’s not just a plagiarism detection tool; it’s a comprehensive system ensuring the authenticity of academic submissions. By comparing student work against an extensive database that includes scholarly articles, books, and a vast repository of student papers, Turnitin helps maintain the sanctity of academic work. For instance, a student submitting a research paper on Shakespeare’s works would have their paper cross-referenced against existing literature and publications on the subject, ensuring original analysis and interpretation.

Can Turnitin Detect ChatGPT & Quillbot? What Else AI Can Turnitin Detect?

Turnitin’s prowess extends to identifying content generated by AI tools like ChatGPT, Quillbot, and others. Its sophisticated algorithms, with a high accuracy rate of about 98%, can distinguish between human and AI-generated texts. For example, a history essay written using ChatGPT might exhibit certain linguistic patterns or sentence structures that Turnitin’s system can flag as AI-generated, differentiating it from a student’s unique writing style.

Is Turnitin Free? Is Turnitin AI Detector Accurate?

Turnitin is typically accessible through institutional subscriptions, making it a paid service for most users. Its accuracy in detecting AI-generated content is highly reliable. For instance, a student using AI to write a lab report might find that Turnitin can accurately identify the sections of the report that were not originally written by the student.

How Does Turnitin Work?

  1. Document Submission: Students or educators upload academic documents to Turnitin. This can include essays, research papers, thesis documents, and more.
  2. Scanning and Comparison: Turnitin scans the submitted document and compares it against its comprehensive database. This database includes a vast collection of academic papers, journal articles, books, and a repository of student-submitted work.
  3. Similarity Report Generation: After the comparison, Turnitin generates a Similarity Report. This report highlights sections of the text that match content from its database. It provides a percentage score indicating the amount of matched content and includes direct links to the sources of matched content.

What is Turnitin Used For?

The primary use of Turnitin is to check for originality in academic work and to identify potential plagiarism. It ensures that students submit work that is their own and helps maintain academic integrity.

How to Use Turnitin?

  1. Setting Up Assignments (For Educators):
    • Educators log into their Turnitin account and create a new assignment. This involves specifying details like assignment title, due date, and any specific settings related to similarity checking.
  2. Student Submission:
    • Students access the assignment through their institution’s learning management system or directly through Turnitin (depending on the setup). They upload their document in the accepted file format.
  3. Analysis by Turnitin:
    • Once submitted, Turnitin analyzes the document. This process may take a few minutes to several hours, depending on the length of the document and the server load.
  4. Reviewing the Similarity Report:
    • After analysis, both students and educators can view the Similarity Report. Educators can assess the originality of the work, and students can see areas where they might need to make revisions.

What AI Detector Does Turnitin Use?

Turnitin has developed its own AI detection system, seamlessly integrated into its plagiarism detection framework. This system is adept at recognizing the nuances in writing styles that are typical of AI-generated content. For example, a thesis with sections written by an AI tool like GPT-3 might be flagged by Turnitin for its uniformity in tone and structure, which is often a hallmark of AI writing.

What is a Good Turnitin Score?

A “good” Turnitin score is subjective and varies by institution. Generally, a similarity index of 15% or lower is acceptable, indicating minimal matching with existing sources. However, scores above 25% might suggest significant similarities that warrant further review. For example, a student’s essay showing a 30% similarity might include several uncited quotations from a single source, raising concerns about potential plagiarism.

How to Resubmit on Turnitin?

  1. Check Resubmission Policies:
    • Before attempting to resubmit, students should check the assignment’s resubmission policies set by the educator. Some assignments may allow multiple submissions, while others may not.
  2. Resubmitting the Document:
    • If resubmissions are allowed, students can upload their revised document. This is typically done by going back to the assignment on Turnitin and selecting the option to resubmit or replace the existing submission.
  3. Waiting for New Report:
    • After resubmission, Turnitin will analyze the new document and generate a fresh Similarity Report. Students should wait for this report to ensure that their revisions have effectively reduced the similarity score.
  4. Final Submission:
    • Once satisfied with the similarity score, students can leave their document as the final submission. Educators will then use this latest submission for grading and evaluation.

FAQs about “Can Turnitin Detect ChatGPT? How Does It Work? How to Use it?”

  1. Can Turnitin detect paraphrased content from ChatGPT?
    • Turnitin’s ability to detect paraphrased content from AI tools like ChatGPT is evolving. While direct AI-generated content is more easily identifiable, paraphrased material can be more nuanced. For instance, an AI-paraphrased summary of a scientific study might retain certain key phrases or technical terms that Turnitin can trace back to the original source.
  2. Is it possible to bypass Turnitin’s AI detection?
    • Attempting to bypass Turnitin’s AI detection undermines the principle of academic honesty and is not recommended. The system is continually updated to recognize new patterns in AI writing. For example, a student might try to alter an AI-generated essay by manually rephrasing parts of it, but Turnitin’s sophisticated algorithms can still detect underlying AI attributes.
  3. Can Turnitin detect AI-generated content in languages other than English?
    • Turnitin’s capability to detect AI-generated content in non-English languages is growing but may vary based on the language’s resources and the development of specific algorithms. For instance, a French essay generated by an AI tool might be more challenging to analyze compared to an English one, depending on the advancements in Turnitin’s multilingual capabilities.